
Showing posts from November 7, 2017

Aliens life might be so advanced that we can say magic, according to these days science.

We've never seen aliens... Or have we? No, Roswell conspirators, not now. Please sit down. We're talking in multitudes of higher complexity. Try this on: Maybe aliens are the puppet masters behind the laws of physics. Or maybe aliens  literally are  physics. Just when we thought we had a grasp on the fundamental constants of the universe,  boom , dark matter rips off the mask and it's E.T. Too crazy to be true? Prove it. Magic, Shmagic British science fiction writer and futurist Arthur C. Clarke famously formulated three adages known as Clarke's three laws. Of them, number three steals most of the spotlight: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Consider cavemen for a moment. If you hand-delivered an iPhone to an ancient cavedweller, he'd be dumbfounded at the "magical" device. But give it some time, and Fred Flintstone would probably start tweeting and Snapchatting. Now let'